Thursday, December 16, 2010

Are you F**ing kidding me???

Now I have heard some crazy stuff in my time but I find it amazing how much stupid shit people say when they are angry that just doesn't make sense. In my most recent temp job I occasionally have to cover for the receptionist. When I do we get calls from people who are complaining about the automated call that they get requesting donations. Let me make this clear, I understand that any kind of donation request can be annoying. It's like paying a bill on guilt. Send us 10 dollars a month... OR SOME ONE DIES!!! Granted that's not a charity's slogan, that I know of anyway, but the emotional blackmail that is used buy some of the charity adds I have seen are a little over the top.

Now as I recall it this is how the phone call went. The words in italics are what I thought but not what I said.

Me: **Charity's Name**! How can I direct your call?

Caller: Is this the **Charity's Name**?

Me: I just said that. Yes it is.

Caller: Is this an actual person?

Me: No, I'm a figment of your imagination. Yes, how can I help you?

Caller: Well I just want you to know that I have been getting repeated calls from you sometimes 2 and 3 times a day.

Me: I'm sorry sir...

Caller: I think this is harassment I have never donated your charity I have no intention of donating to your charity and you have to change the automated system because it's sexist.

Me: WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Excuse me sir?

Caller: This is a gay house hold and the automated system constantly asks for Ms. ****. This has to be changed.

Me: Just one moment. You ass.

Now the reason why I find this stupid is I work for a charity who does research into the prevention of birth defects. Now to say you have no intention to donate to a charity where you will never have to deal directly with the problems they are trying to fight is a person’s choice. To act as a spokesman for all gays and lesbians is moronic and if he was speaking just on his behalf why the fuck would anybody care about a guy who has no intention to donate. It's like going to a restaurant telling them how to cook but never ordering the food. I'm sure what he was saying was more out of frustration than any real animosity towards the charity but it just constantly amazes me the shit people say with out thinking.