Friday, November 5, 2010

I lOvE My fRIenDS, TheY n0t 0nLy PutuP w i t h m y INSANITIES TheY Enc0Ur@ge THeM!

This is an actual conversation as best as I can recall it between me and my buddy.  Of course I am going crazy so I could have imagined it. 

ME: I finally figured out why I attract crazy women.

MT: This should be interesting, go on.

ME: So I'm with this girl and she starts to go into this whole tirade about how the rain is a sign god is mad at us and how another flood is coming.

MT: Seriously???

ME: I wish I could make this stuff up. After I spend the next 20 minutes explaining that it's not raining everywhere and if God really wanted to start over he might not use the same trick.  I mean he's god I'm sure he can find a dozen other ways to wipe us out with out having to repeat himself.  I don't want to believe god is all powerful but not very creative. Anyway I look over and this Japanese guy is taking pictures of me and her.  

MT: You sure it was you? Maybe it was something next to you?

ME: Why would anyone want to take a picture of the Manhattan skyline?  Anyway I figure I must be on a reality show like the Truman show and I'm like a huge celeb in Japan.

MT: Actually it's in Germany and if I could get you to autograph some of your t-shirts I can finish paying for grad school. I bought my new car with the money I got from selling all your socks.
ME: I told you someone stole them!!!

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