Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Friends Comics & Movies

This weekend I got to hang with some old HS friends and make some new ones. I'm constantly amazed at how lucky I have been in my friends. Growing up I didn't have a lot of friends and I guess you can say they were more situational friends than anything. Either we were in the same school or on the same baseball team but a lot of those friendships lasted until school was out or the season was up. Part of it was my own fault I'm clumsy, I stutter, I'm fat or at least that is what I thought. Why would anyone want to be friends with me?

Than the craziest thing ever happened I was kicked out of Catholic school and sent to Public school. Now I had been fights all the time in Catholic school and with all the horror stories my mom told me about public school I walked in there with a jail hose mentality. I was not going to be anyone's bitch. I created this shell that I wouldn't let anyone get past. I hardly spoke to anyone and after a while it affected me. I really didn't care about other people. If I did that would just give them a chance to hurt me.

Than I met this guy who really hadn't said much to me other than "hey, what's up" till he saw me pull out my comics. Now I have always loved comics since I first discovered them and when this kid asked to read mine I said sure. After that we always talked about the newest comics, eventually he invited me to go check out a movie with him and a couple of his friends. I like the guy and He got me with my second love movies, so I figure why not. I'll meet some of his friends maybe they will all be cool. Yeah they were real cool they stood me up. I was so heated when I was leaving I was just going to a pizza place I know and eat angry.

As I am walking out the theater I see them coming in... Apparently they got lost and had a mini adventure. I end up sneaking into the theater they are going into and check out another movie. After the movie as we are all walking home they tell me the story of how they got lost and ended up cutting through a cemetery, at night, in the Bronx. I was able to forgive them and from there Grew a few friendships and one person who I consider a brother.

Since than I have been lucky to meet some amazing people who I have been able to consider true friends. People who I have laughed with, Cried with, Even hated at times but when it's all said and done a friend is someone who is not there just when things are good but when the chips are down and I know I could call on any of them and they would do everything they can to help me.

I have a friend who is an artist who helped me go for my dream as a writer.

I have a friend who I don't get to see as often as I would like but to this day I love her as much as when we used to hang out every day playing cards and when we see each other it's like no time has past.

I have a friend that no matter how goofy I get I know he will not only accept me but join in on any crazy Idea I have.

I have a friend who has had more than 3 peoples share of problems but each time life tries to knock her down she picks her self up and just says "Is that all you got?"

I have a friend who whenever we talk I have to set an alarm cause we always loose track... I swear we were only talking 15 minutes not 4 hours.

I have 2 friends who are a couple who have always showed me nothing but love and have welcomed me into there home many times.

I have a friend who is so protective of me that she sometimes treats me like I'm her kid...Even though I'm older.

As I look at this list I know there are people who I have left out for one reason or another but I'm lucky to have made the friends I have and my life is better because of them.

What is a friend for? Through rich and through poor
Kinda like a marriage balanced on a different floor
A friend could tell you things that he wouldn't tell another
So in essence, a friend could be considered a brother

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