Friday, January 7, 2011

Comic Review 1-5-11

I have decided to do a weekly blog just to keep track of the comics I buy.  I buy some titles religiously and others I buy just cause something draws my attention on the cover.  I am not a full on cover junkie but I can be caught out there.   I will list my opinion based on the cover and what I thought after reading the book. 

Amazing Spiderman #650

Initial impression from cover:
The new costume looks really cool but this is one of the problems I have with modern covers, they tend to be pin ups with no clues about the interior story… but the new costume was enough to get me to pick it up.  

After Reading: I’ll be honest I used to read Spiderman back in the day but I haven’t been a big fan lately, but when I heard there was going to be a new costume I decided to take a look.  Honestly I get the feeling the new costume will be a temporary gimmick to get new readers, and it may work cause I found Dan Slot’s writing to be excellent.  I always liked how Peter Parker this nerd always seemed to be surrounded by hot women and here is just more of the same with his ex girlfriend Mary Jane, his ex girlfriend the Black Cat and his new girlfriend Carly all in the book his relationships are as interesting as the new Hobgoblin who has a bit of a Joker flavor to him.  I can’t fully recommend the book but I will probably get the next issue to see if it keeps my interest.  Who knows I might start picking up Spiderman again.

Ant-Man Wasp #3 of 3

Initial impression from cover:
This looks like it should be a funny book and it actually gives an impression of the story.

After Reading: The cover made promises that the book didn’t keep.  I was expecting a funnier book from the cover than I got and in the end the book was just OK.  I think Hank Pym has the potential to be an awesome character, and the new Ant Man has all kinds of comedic potential, but this was just not the right vehicle for these characters. 

Avengers Prime #5 of 5

Initial impression from cover:
This is a great cover for 2 reasons. First you have Iron Man with a sword tells you something bad has happened to his armor. Second seeing the 3 of them are being overrun by medieval horde tells you something really bad has happened.  While this is a poster-ish cover, it still caught my attention. 

After Reading:
  As with most of Bendis’s stories I always feel he never knows how to end a story arc.  His beginnings and concepts are always great but when it’s time to finish up the story arc I always feel he falls a little short and unfortunately I think he did the same here.  This seemed like an attempt to erase all the animosity from the Civil War and quite honestly I didn’t buy it.  I will admit I am not a big Thor fan, so the fact that the whole miniseries took place in Asgard did not help.  Honestly unless you are a big Thor fan I would overlook this whole series.  

Captain America – Hail Hydra #1

Initial impression from cover:
Here we have yet another Poster style cover and for some reason way too much Captain America crotch. 

After Reading: It was a mediocre book plain and simple, I won’t be following up. 

Ultimate Captain America #1

Initial impression from cover:
Again a great Poster but not really anything that would draw me to buy the book.  If it weren’t a #1 I wouldn’t have picked it up. 

After Reading:
I was never a big fan of the ultimate titles except for Spiderman and to be quite honest I don’t know why I keep trying.   They introduce Ultimate Nuke but quite honestly after reading this I just think Ultimate Cap is a jerk.  He wears his normal costume during a black ops mission and when questioned on it he just blows the guy off.  Think about it if everybody was on a black ops mission that doesn’t exist and one guy wore the flag of the country he was working for he wouldn’t be allowed on the mission. 

While I collect the regular Captain America both of the new Captain America series were just not interesting enough for me to keep getting them. 

Irredeemable (Cover B) #21

Initial Impression From Cover:
Wow another great poster but again no clue as to where the story is going. 

After Reading: Mark Waid does something few authors are able to do.  Keep me interested even when not much happens in a book.  I flew through this book in less than 5 minutes and that’s normally a red flag for me but just something about the way Waid writes I am still drawn to the series.  I will admit, I am enjoying the companion book Incorruptible more, but I feel Irredeemable just makes that book better.  I would suggest getting both series. 

X-factor #213

Initial impression from cover:
This is a great cover because it’s simple and clearly shows that the story is about Darwin leaving the team. 

After reading: Peter David is an amazing writer who takes some intense concepts and is able to make them real.  More importantly he knows when and how to put in jokes with out downplaying the problems.  In this issue we deal with Richter’s homosexuality, Rahne having to be an unwed mother, Darwin trying to find his place and Madrox loosing faith in himself as a leader. In between all of that are some of the funniest jokes ever.  I have always found the best writers know how to strike a good balance between the serious and funny parts of life, and David has done it over and over again.  Overall this is one of my favorite books and I highly recommend it. 

Look these are all my opinions if you agree with me fine.  If you don’t that’s fine to, I’m just trying to steer people who like the kind of books I do to some good books and away from bad ones. 

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