Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What We See

I wrote this cause in the course of 4 days 6 different women I knew were complaining about themselves in some way. I have a really good BS detector and they weren’t just fishing for compliments they really have low self esteem and it amazes me how people see themselves sometimes.  

I wish you could see you the way I see you.  
You think you are ugly I think you are beautiful.
You think you are too fat, I think you are curvy.
You think you are too skinny, I think you are slender.
You think you are too tall, I think you are statuesque.
You think you are too short, I think you are petite.  
You think you are too old, I think of you as a young girl with a woman’s wisdom.
You think you are too young,  I think that you are a grown woman ready to take on the world.
You think you are too weak, I think of all the amazing things you have done.
You think you are too bitchy, I think you are strong and independent.

The flaws you see I can’t see and if I can’t see them, maybe they aren’t really there.

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