Sunday, March 6, 2011

Comic Review 3-6-11

I know I am way behind.  Sometimes real life kicks your but. 

The Amazing Spiderman #652

Initial Impression from Cover: Great Cover.  You know Spidey is about to get a serious beat down. 

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes.

After Reading: Ok it’s official I have to put Spider-Man back on my list.  There are 2 stories going on just like there should be.  There is Peter Parkers life and there is Spider-Man’s life.  You see Peter is enjoying things with his girlfriend, Carlie but there are things going on with Mary Jane Watson.  Meanwhile Spider Man is dealing with an insect themed crew that includes the Scorpion in his new look, which personally I’m not a big fan of but it’s nice to see Mac Gargan back.  

Will I get the next issue? Yes.

Avengers Academy #7

Initial Impression from Cover: Another Good Cover.  Between the image and the cover text you know the story should be about Henry Pym becoming Giant-Man.

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes

After Reading: Ok a month before they had Hank Pym as the Wasp and now he is Giant Man again.  This reeks of a forced storyline to me.  By that I mean it seems Hank Pym is Giant Man now simply because of the new Avengers Cartoon.  This is purely a guess and not based on anything I have ever heard.  Even still I think that Avengers Academy is a pretty good title and I will keep reading it.

Will I get the next issue? Yes

Batgirl #18

Initial Impression from Cover:  I have mixed feelings about this cover.  I am not a big fan of the art style but content wise it’s everything I want in a cover.

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes.

After Reading: Bryan Miller is doing an excellent job with Batgirl.  He has a good grasp on Stephanie Brown.  This episode was a cute valentine issue using Klarion the Witch boy.  This story is completely stand-alone and doesn’t affect anything else but it doesn’t need to.  The story is just Fun.

Will I get the next issue? Hell Yes.

Powergirl #20

Initial Impression from Cover: Another of DC’s Pin up cover… BLECH.

Would I recommend to a friend? Maybe.

After Reading: Judd Winick has always been very hit or miss for me as a writer.  I enjoy some of his stuff while other things are just kind of… Meh.  I think he may have a great story in him but I haven’t seen it yet.  I would really like to see what happens if he was given a chance to make his own character and series.  Maybe he needs to have free reign cause his current Powergirl story seems slow and stilted even though most of the story is combat. 

Will I get the next issue? Maybe

X-Factor #214

Initial Impression from Cover: It’s amazing how simple things can tell you what the story is about.  By giving Darwin a cowboy hat and 6 shooters it tells you the story should be about something having to do with the old west. 

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes

After Reading: Peter David has done some really good stores and this issue seemed like a type of Foreshadowing to a future story line.  Darwin is in this weird Ghost town where he has to come to grips with the fact that his time in Asguard has altered him more than he suspected.  I picture a future storyline with Mirage/Moonstar from the New Mutants spinning off from this tale.  I don’t know what will really happen but I am enjoying it anyway.

Will I get the next issue?

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