Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 5 August 18th (this one’s a short one)

So the day before I get a text from Nando telling me a mutual friend, Jade*, would like to meet up. So I text Jade and after a few texts back and forth we decide to meet up for dinner. She is about 2 hours from where I am but she would cook for Wilson and I. We headed out of Virginia Beach a bit too early so we decided to kill some time near her house just walking around one of the malls because it was raining hard.

Malls are a great place to kill time for me because most of them have bookstores. I can kill an hour just reading some graphic novel and if they have current comics Wi Fi and a Star Bucks I’m good for hours. The other cool thing about malls is that they are climate controlled. So you can walk all day and not be too hot.

After hanging for a little while I had a great time talking to Jade and her friend. Jade is amazing, the number of things she has gone through as a single mom and only came out stronger for it. Maybe some day I will tell some of her stories. She has only one problem, actually it’s my problem When I am sitting talking to some one who is interesting this weird time phenomenon happens where we talk for 5 minutes and suddenly 3 hours have gone by. I have had to over tip a few times at restaurants when I realized I took up one of their tables for 3 or 4 hours.

So Jade and I start talking around 6 and magically it turns into nearly midnight and we still have 2 hours to go. Before we make it to Ocean city. I finally get out of there about an hour after I said we should get out of there. We finally get out of there and I was good for a half hour but than all of a sudden I started drifting asleep.


Wilson: What happened?

I rip the GPS off of my dash and hand it to Wilson.

Eric: Find us a motel now.

Wilson: Are you tired?

Eric: Not after the little nap I just had but I think we should stop the car before I take another one.



Wilson: Geez you are cranky after a nap!

On this trip we discovered that my GPC also provides a phone number for the local hotels. SO Wilson called every hotel & motel with in a half hour and there was only 1 room available. It was a smoking double but I figured what the hell I needed sleep plus it was the first one we found that was within a half hour.

We got into the room and it was like walking into a flaming ashtray. The AC was broken and the room reeked of smoke. Both Wilson & me had survived summers in the Bronx so we figured we could tough it out. But there seems to be one big difference between the Bronx and wherever the hell we were in Maryland. In never got cooler, In the Bronx at around 2 or 3 it gets cool enough to sleep. It never got cooler and I tried every trick I knew. Wet towel on my neck, cold shower, putting the mattress on the floor. I honestly don’t think I fell asleep I think I passed out.

*If I have not heard back from a friend or forgot to ask them if I can use there name I will use an alias. Different people have different feelings about their name being listed on the web so I will use aliases for now.

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