Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 6 & 7

So after I woke up and took a shower I ran out of that hotel from hell, but before I left I put everything on. Every light, the TV and I even the put the sink on a slow leak. I was going to cost them as much as I could, I didn't damage anything but I was bumping up there utility bill for the day. As had become our habit we headed to a mall so I could check what hotels were available in Ocean city. Since I did not have a full itinerary and was playing things by ear I needed to see what I could get. I lucked into this decent hotel called the Thunderbird that was only a few blocks from the boardwalk. I booked us for 2 days and than drove into OC.

After checking in I had to take a nap because of the horrible sleep I had in the room from hell. I have no idea what happened with Wilson I know I passed out till about 10. Just in time to go to a club called the Party Block. We had a great time the drinks were cheap the women were hot and the music was great. It was a little disturbing that the music seemed to be off of my I-pod. I actually checked the car to make sure it wasn’t stolen.

Now some of you may not know but I am not a heavy drinker, I have a beer here and there and I if I plan to drink a lot it usually tends to be “Bitch” drinks like Pina Coladas, Strawberry Daiquiris & don’t get me started on Jell-O Shots. I was surprised how hard my “Bitch” drinks were hitting me till I realized my stomach was empty and I was still off from the missed nights sleep. After a little while Wilson & I went to go check the dance floor. Eventually I headed to the bathroom, when I came back Wilson is missing. Now he’s a grown man so I’m not too worried about it especially in my inebriated state so I grab another drink and head back to the dance floor. After a while I notice that Wilson is on the dance floor surrounded by hot chicks.

Let me explain something Wilson is a great guy but he is not what you picture when you say the phrase chick magnet but every now and than he just attracts babes. I don’t know if it’s the Artists mystique or if he bathes in Catnip for women but some how women are drawn to him. I am not putting him down, actually I’m jealous I have to buy drinks for women and crack every joke I can, once the ice is broken it’s not a problem but to get that initial meet takes work. Wilson just stands there and sends out vibes and women just come a running. Son of a Bitch!

Overall I had a really good time at the Party Block and the end of the night was a little hazy. I remember stopping at a sub shop that was open late saying something to the affect of the following:

Eric: I have money, can I have food.

Counter guy: Sure what do you want?

Eric: Food.

Counter guy: What kind?

Wilson: Give him a sausage hero.

Eric: Ohh that sounds good can I have one too.

Wilson: Yes you can.

Eric: You’re a great friend; if I were gay I would marry you.

Wilson: Uhm I’m not gay Eric.

Eric: I don’t think you are trying that hard.

Counter guy walks away laughing.

Wilson: You’re not really that drunk are you?

Eric: No, but I’m funny.

The next day we wake up around 1 in the afternoon and head to this cool restaurant/club called Seacrets. It’s on the beach and you can actually grab a table in the water. It was really cool place and the spicy shrimp was great, messy as hell but the food was great. I would recommend the place to everyone families during the day party at night.

After eating I hit up the boardwalk while Wilson went swimming. I have to tell you the boardwalk in OC beats Virginia Beach. See what I like are small shops to look at stuff and find knickknacks, my brother and I both have Silver yin & Yang medallion on a chain that my father made for us. My dad based them off a cheap silver plate one I got in Virginia Beach 16 years ago. He used that one to make the mold for the one I wear now. When I was in Virginia I noticed all the stores were one block over but in OC the boardwalk had the kind of little stores I was looking for. There was even this really cool kite shop with all these huge kites staked down in front of the shop. At one point I was so hot from walking that I just walked into the ocean cooled down than continued walking down the boardwalk.

The only drawback with all the walking I did and Wilson going swimming is we fell asleep around 7 and woke up the next day. We had missed a chance to go to one of the other clubs that the girls told us about. But we had a blast and I hope to go back soon.

If you want to see some pics go to:

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