Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 8

So on the last day of my trip I got on the road not a moment to soon. I loved being out on the road but you do eventually get home sick (Plus I was running out of money.) I also had the feeling Mercedes* was looking for her/my car. So I figured t was time to head out.

Now overall I have to say my GPS has been invaluable on this trip. But on occasion I have argued with it. I mean I know shortcuts that it doesn't but never having been to Ocean City before I had only the vaguest way to go back. It wanted me to take a ferry. I originally didn't want to take a ferry. So when I changed the settings on the GPS and told it no ferry it refused to give me a route.

Wilson: What’s wrong?
Eric: When I change the setting to no ferry it freezes...
Wilson: So can't we just pick up a map and figure it out ourselves.
Eric: A good map costs us about ten to twenty dollars. We loose a half hour to an hour by looking for a map and on top of that. On top of that if we don't take the ferry It will take another hour to 2. So screw it we will take the ferry.
Wilson: So you have given up all free will to the little box.
Eric: When the robot apocalypse comes I can either be a house slave or use as a battery. I'm listening to the GPS!
Wilson: You need help.
Eric: You have no idea. Yesterday morning I tried to use Ax body spray as shaving cream.
Wilson: WHAT?!?
Eric: I was so out of it that after I took my shower I grabbed the Axe and sprayed it into my hand like it was shaving cream.
Wilson: Than what happened?
Eric: I shaved my armpits.

So after a nice ride on a ferry we headed to Atlantic city because I still had a few hundred dollars to burn. Now I like to gamble but I'm not very good at it. But today I was up a little than down a little for over 4 hours. Normally I win big or loose big with in an hour and than I’m done. This time I broke about even but while I’m gambling I get a message telling me there is a huge storm coming at 8 o’clock and that I should find some place to crash instead of driving home. I figured I would just wait till late to drive home and solve the problem that way.

So afterwards we hit up the boardwalk and I take some pics. I love AC for 3 reasons. All you can eat buffets, gambling, and all you can eat buffets… I like food. So obviously while walking the boardwalk I got some food and checked out the girls in bathing suits (I’m still a guy).

After a couple of hours of killing time and loosing whatever money we had left we head home. Now I hate the GW bridge I will normally take the extra hour it takes ad go by the Tappan zee than deal with the GW. I should have done the same thing instead I took the GW I was 2 exits away around 12:30 AM figuring that I would be ok. Too bad they closed the lower level.

I didn’t get home till 3:30 in the morning.

Overall I had a great time. I was very lucky the only bad time I had was one bad hotel night, considering that I was doing most of this by ear it worked out well. My car was able to take it, I drove 1156 miles hit New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware & Virginia. I saw some great sites and met some very nice people, because of this I have decided to do mini trips like this. Instead of covering so many places in a week every month or 2 I will pick a place and go away for a weekend. In a few weeks I am taking my older brother to the Philly for the cheese steak challenge. The Cheese steak challenge is when you hit Pat’s have a sandwich and than head to Geno’s and have a sandwich and decide which is better. My older brother never got a chance so it will be nice to see what he thinks.

Check out my pics at:

*The stripper from Day 1. If you haven't read that blog go here.

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