Saturday, October 22, 2011

Top 8 things overheard at NY Comic Con

So working comic book conventions you see all kinds of colorful people and have situations you never thought you would be in. Here is a collection of sentences that I never thought I would here... Or in some cases have to say.

"Hey there is a naked chick in front."
"I wonder who she is supposed to be."
"I think she is just some crazy chick who was just attracted to the con."
"She must be here for Eric."

"Please don't touch me, I'll lose my color."

"Sir could you get your balls away from the Ninja Mouse comic."

"The boy wonder's got some nice tits."

"Great costume! Who are you?"

"I just saw Princes leia and Link making out... I wonder if Han and zelda know?"

"Why the fez?"
"Cause fezzes are cool"
"Who told you that?"
"No, Dr. Who, not Dr. What."
"I am stopping now before I go into a geek rage."

"Why did you name your company Section 8?"
"Because Food Stamp comics seemed too ghetto."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Is an A an A?

An article in the newspaper said significantly more kids are getting A’s in school than in the past. The Article also goes on to say that A’s are loosing value and an A student today is not expected to perform to the same levels as an A student 20 years ago.  You know that means if I was born 20 years later I could have been an honor roll student and wouldn’t have gotten as many beatings as I used to… but than I’d probably be cocky as well as dumb. I think I am ok with just being dumb.

A Mothers Love

Mom: So how is the job hunt going?
Eric: Not so good. I just finished a temp assignment but they didn't need me full time.
Mom: It would have been great if they hired you full time.
Eric: Yeah but I try not to make wishes. I mean that would be like wishing I never got laid off in the first place, or wishing they hired me back after a few months. Why stop there I could wish to win the lottery or that some body reads my strip and wants to option a movie deal or a cartoon based on it. Better yet how about I wish I meet a beautiful rich girl who falls in love with me and makes me her boy toy.
Mom: That one will never happen.
Eric: Wow... So that's the the line? You think I have a better chance at the lottery than a chick with money falling for me? Thanks mom and you wonder why "Throw Momma from the Train" is one of my favorite movies.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers day chat

Me:         Happy Fathers day.
My Dad:  You Too.
Me:         You know something I don't?
My Dad:  Your mother and I decided we want grand kids.
Me:         Don't I need a wife or something?
My Dad:  Mom's picking one up for you now at the supermarket.
Me:         Really are they on sale?
My Dad:  Well Costco had them cheaper but you had to buy in bulk and I didn't think you were ready for triplets. 
Me:         You know sometimes I can't figure out if your dementia has set in or if you are just being funny. 
My Dad:  That's the plan. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Not that Lonely yet

So I was traveling the internet and found this wonderful little gem.  Apparently it's a device that can be used to record and simulate kisses.  So that you can send them over distances.  They are even talking about having celebrities upload there kisses and fans can buy them for a small fee.

Have we lost our minds?!? I mean seriously.  I know I watch more porn than any 3 men I know.  I currently have 3 other tabs open with the finest  erotic cinematic art, (E.G. Backdoor Sluts 9, Naughty Nurses 2, Crotch Capers 4) but kissing isn't about sex.  It's a display of love and affection.  When a guy sees a hot girls he think "I want to have sex with her." That's a primal instinct having nothing to do with emotions.  When he sees the woman he loves she is the one that he wants to kiss and paint her toe nails, although that last part might just be me.

I like feet. 
Now we want to digitize a kiss and send it to people.  What if you e-mail it to the wrong person are you cheating?  You know that argument is coming.  Years from now when they perfect the machine some girl is going to walk in and say I saw you sent a digital kiss to so and so.  HOW COULD YOU!!! You know I hate her!! We're Done.  If you think I am exaggerating you never dated a crazy woman.

And who the hell thinks playing with a straw is the same as making out with a girl. If that's the case any girl who has a milkshake from McDonald's is cheating on her boyfriend.  

Look I may be lonely and spend my weekends like the video below but even I know this is just wrong.  (By the way this video is awesome.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

In the Works

Time for a little shameless promotion, here is what the Section 8 Family is up to.

On the Web:
@ the 8 Spot 
The comic strip is now going up twice a week.  Artist Wilson Ramos-Jr. was able to build up enough of a buffer that we think that we can not only keep this up but maybe even throw a few more surprises your way.

A Work in Progress has been up for just over a month now and it's going strong.  Response has been very favorable.  Please stop by and take a look.  I think you will enjoy.

At The Printers:
Currently we have 2 books for sale at Indie Planet

Script by Eric Rivera
Pencils by D. Douglass
Inks by Wilson Ramos-Jr.
Colors by LJ Hansen
Letters by Wilson Ramos-Jr.

Created by Wilson Ramos-Jr. 

In Development:
The Hook Up
Currently sent to my Art Director to see who would be perfect for this new online comic strip that we are developing about a group of friends trying to figure out the difference between getting laid and finding love.  Hopefully by the summer time we will see strips on the web.

The Wombat
Wilson Ramos-Jr. had created a goofy character named the Wombat based on a high school nickname he had.  It was never intended to be a serious book but after much discussion we have decided to see if there might be something here for a limited run web comic.

Stars Edge
The Black and White space epic is actually going to be Rereleased in color.  We are hoping to have a color version ready to go by the New York Comic con.

Unnamed Anthology project
A writers meeting is in the work so that the creative writers at Section 8 Comics can have there ideas tested.  But this anthology is going to have a little bit of a twist.

What Our Friends are up to:
Mystic Creatures
Gene J DeCicco has finally release his labor of love Mystic Creatures.  With the help of Section 8 Comics Wilson Ramos-Jr the 2 have put together what looks like a great book.

Monstros Event 
The Alpha Gods are at it again proving that comic book artist are still artist with another galery show at the Clements Soto Velez Cultural Center.  The Event is entitled Monstros and is art that is all about what makes us scared with a Spanish Flavor added in.  The opening reception is this Thursday (May 5th)  Hope you can come by and check it out.

Upcoming Shows:
Bronx Heroes Comic Con
We will be exhibiting at the Bronx Heroes con this Saturday (May 7th) The convention is being held at the Bronx Museum of the Arts and will run from 11:00 to 7:00.  If you get a chance stop on by and buy lots of stuff from us... Seriously we need the money.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hollywood is Wrong!!!

I always find it funny what Hollywood thinks is sexy.  In Fast Five  there was a scene with a woman in a bikini where she was supposed to seduce the mark.  The woman had a gorgeous face but when they did the reveal of her body the guy to my left said "she has no curves!!!" and the guy to my right said "she will look great after she goes through puberty." Most men I know like curves, yet Hollywood seems to be telling us no we don't.

While some women are naturally slender and they are comfortable with there body (which is always sexy) there is this mistaken belief that if you are any bigger than a size 1 you are too fat. This infuriates me like you can't imagine.  There are women out there who are meant to be curvy who are starving themselves thinking that that's what guys want.

Now I admit different cultures may disagree on where the line between curvy and over weight is.  I have repeatedly had this discussion with a friend of mine about how since she is Spanish but grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood she thinks of herself as fat.  But I think this is media brain washing.

If you ask me the clearest indication that this is the work of media is porn.  Now I freely admit that I watch porn and there are various sites that have categorized there porn for you.  So if you want bondage go here, if you want BBW (Big beautiful women) go here, but I never see a category that says petite or skinny.  I'm not saying there aren't skinny porn stars but it seems like no one thinks the starved for 6 weeks look is hot and when a woman is forcing herself to be skinny when she isn't naturally thin her body looks wrong naked.

Again all of this is just my opinion.  What the hell do I know?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What We See

I wrote this cause in the course of 4 days 6 different women I knew were complaining about themselves in some way. I have a really good BS detector and they weren’t just fishing for compliments they really have low self esteem and it amazes me how people see themselves sometimes.  

I wish you could see you the way I see you.  
You think you are ugly I think you are beautiful.
You think you are too fat, I think you are curvy.
You think you are too skinny, I think you are slender.
You think you are too tall, I think you are statuesque.
You think you are too short, I think you are petite.  
You think you are too old, I think of you as a young girl with a woman’s wisdom.
You think you are too young,  I think that you are a grown woman ready to take on the world.
You think you are too weak, I think of all the amazing things you have done.
You think you are too bitchy, I think you are strong and independent.

The flaws you see I can’t see and if I can’t see them, maybe they aren’t really there.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Comic Review 3-6-11

I know I am way behind.  Sometimes real life kicks your but. 

The Amazing Spiderman #652

Initial Impression from Cover: Great Cover.  You know Spidey is about to get a serious beat down. 

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes.

After Reading: Ok it’s official I have to put Spider-Man back on my list.  There are 2 stories going on just like there should be.  There is Peter Parkers life and there is Spider-Man’s life.  You see Peter is enjoying things with his girlfriend, Carlie but there are things going on with Mary Jane Watson.  Meanwhile Spider Man is dealing with an insect themed crew that includes the Scorpion in his new look, which personally I’m not a big fan of but it’s nice to see Mac Gargan back.  

Will I get the next issue? Yes.

Avengers Academy #7

Initial Impression from Cover: Another Good Cover.  Between the image and the cover text you know the story should be about Henry Pym becoming Giant-Man.

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes

After Reading: Ok a month before they had Hank Pym as the Wasp and now he is Giant Man again.  This reeks of a forced storyline to me.  By that I mean it seems Hank Pym is Giant Man now simply because of the new Avengers Cartoon.  This is purely a guess and not based on anything I have ever heard.  Even still I think that Avengers Academy is a pretty good title and I will keep reading it.

Will I get the next issue? Yes

Batgirl #18

Initial Impression from Cover:  I have mixed feelings about this cover.  I am not a big fan of the art style but content wise it’s everything I want in a cover.

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes.

After Reading: Bryan Miller is doing an excellent job with Batgirl.  He has a good grasp on Stephanie Brown.  This episode was a cute valentine issue using Klarion the Witch boy.  This story is completely stand-alone and doesn’t affect anything else but it doesn’t need to.  The story is just Fun.

Will I get the next issue? Hell Yes.

Powergirl #20

Initial Impression from Cover: Another of DC’s Pin up cover… BLECH.

Would I recommend to a friend? Maybe.

After Reading: Judd Winick has always been very hit or miss for me as a writer.  I enjoy some of his stuff while other things are just kind of… Meh.  I think he may have a great story in him but I haven’t seen it yet.  I would really like to see what happens if he was given a chance to make his own character and series.  Maybe he needs to have free reign cause his current Powergirl story seems slow and stilted even though most of the story is combat. 

Will I get the next issue? Maybe

X-Factor #214

Initial Impression from Cover: It’s amazing how simple things can tell you what the story is about.  By giving Darwin a cowboy hat and 6 shooters it tells you the story should be about something having to do with the old west. 

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes

After Reading: Peter David has done some really good stores and this issue seemed like a type of Foreshadowing to a future story line.  Darwin is in this weird Ghost town where he has to come to grips with the fact that his time in Asguard has altered him more than he suspected.  I picture a future storyline with Mirage/Moonstar from the New Mutants spinning off from this tale.  I don’t know what will really happen but I am enjoying it anyway.

Will I get the next issue?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Comic Review 2-19-11

Ok, so I was out of town for a few weeks and not able to pick up my books.  So what I am going to do is just pick 5 books at random from my huge stack of books every few days till I’m caught up. Oh and just a heads up I am adding a new critique, I will list weather or not I would get the next issue and would I recommend the book to a friend.

NOTE: Now I know I picked these at random cause after looking at all the books I realize I hate all the covers.  I have some DC books that are still doing the pinup covers and all the Marvel books I have are pinups as well.  Not one of them gives me a clue as to the story inside.  Again my personal issue is I feel that covers should never be so generic you could just take it and slap it on a poster.  It may be my age showing but I liked word balloons or text that gave a clue as to the story with an image that might be from the book, but enough of my complaining here are the first 5 books.

Green Arrow #8

Initial Impression from Cover:  See note above.

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes

After Reading: Writer J.T. Krul has done some amazing things with Green Arrow.  He has found a way to bring the whole Robin Hood story to a modern time with Green Arrow and yet not make it seem childish or a cliché.  Ever since Green Arrow has lost everything including his friends in the Justice League and all that went down with Arsenal there was really no where for Green Arrow to go.  Suddenly a magical forest appeared in Star City and the Green Arrow has made it his home as he has been finding himself.  It seems by returning him to a simpler time Ollie is finding his grounding and working his way back mentally.  
    One of the events in the current storyline is give him a sidekick named Galahad.  Galahad is obviously mentally unstable but the magic forest gives him purpose and it’s almost as if the forest is using him as a vessel to help Green Arrow.  Now they have started to introduce other heroes into the mix and amped the mysticism in the book, which I enjoy since Green arrow is such a simple character.  You have a guy running around with a bow and arrow and he is being surrounded by Etrigan the Demon and the Phantom Stranger… It doesn’t get any better than that.      

Will I get the next issue? Yes

Heroes for Hire #2

Initial Impression from Cover:  See note above.

Would I recommend to a friend? Yes.

After Reading: I really like the idea of this book.  I think that they have taken the whole Charlie’s Angels/Birds of Prey Concept of a boss who is assigning missions and who sees the big picture and turned it on its ear.  Misty Knight is sending various mercenaries and Supers who could use some extra cash on missions.  This is a great way to bring back characters who don’t have there own book and still keep a steady story going, but if that’s not enough you have the fact that Misty Knight is actually being controlled by someone else, the Puppet Master.  This is interesting and has me curious to see how it unfolds.  

Will I get the next issue: Yes

Power Man and Iron Fist #1 of 5

Initial Impression from Cover:  See note above.

Would I recommend to a friend: No.

After Reading: I am a little disappointed in the new Power Man and Iron Fist partially because there is a new Power Man but also because I find the new Power Man a bit of a caricature.  I like Luke Cage.  Over the years writers have given him a progression.  He has turned from an angry black man who was just out for himself into a man who now has a family and an important role in the super hero community.  
    Now you have a new Power Man named Victor Alvarez and on the whole I don’t like him.  He is one of those characters that doesn’t make sense.  Why work with Iron Fist if you don’t trust his judgment?  I feel like Victor is only working with Iron fist to increase his rep and give him some respectability, but I’m not even sure he respects Iron Fist.
    I admit this is my first exposure to the new Power Man and he may have a major back story that was revealed before in some other book but as the first issue of a brand new series this was lacking.  This story was introducing him to a bunch of readers who have no idea who this guy is and the writer didn’t make him likable.  Honestly I don’t know if I will pick up the next issue.  

Will I get the next issue? Maybe but now it depends more on the funds I have when it comes out.  

Teen Titans #91

Initial Impression from Cover:  See note above.

Would I recommend to a friend: No

After Reading: It’s amazing to me that I keep getting this book. I know that I’m really getting the book out of a sense of nostalgia for the old Wolfman and Perez Titans as well as the original Young Justice series. The problem is that I don’t think the current line up is solid.  Both in the old Titans and Young Justice there was a feel of family even with the occasional odd man out there was still a feel that they generally care about each other.  Between Ravager and the new psychotic Robin, bringing back Kid Flash and Superboy, the weird on again off again romance between Changeling/Beast Boy and Raven and finally throw in the fact that Wonder Girl is lost I honestly don’t feel like any 2 characters like each others as just friends.  It’s almost too much drama.  I almost don’t really know where the adventures end and begin cause all the soap opera nonsense over shadows it.  I’m not saying personal stories can’t be done but I think their needs to be a balance.  
    All in all I hope that this is all because JT Krul, who I happen to like as a writer, is trying to deal with all the cross over garbage from the Blackest Night as well as what I am guessing are editorial commands to bring Kid Flash, Superboy and the new Robin into the mix because of the new Young Justice TV show he is trying to find his footing.  Realistically the next few issues will be very telling.  The current story arc is over and they are starting one with Red Robin.  If some of the resolutions that happened already and some of the friendships that are starting to form cement than they may be on the path to recreating that Titans feel I am looking for.   (That’s only a guess, not a fact about the line up change.)

Will I get the next issue: Yes

Thunder Bolts #152

Initial Impression from Cover:  See note above.

Would I recommend to a friend: No.

After Reading: I started getting back into Thunderbolts when they revamped it and put Luke Cage in charge.  I was hoping the new direction would be more interesting but honestly I am finding hard to get into the book. Hell, even the cliffhanger ending of this book of having Hyperion turn on them while not unexpected is kind of repetitive since he is being used to replace a guy that already turned on them (Crossbones).  The new Thunderbolts was supposed to be a Marvel version of the Suicide Squad but to be honest the feeling just isn’t right.  I think one of the big problems with comics today is the fact that writers constantly have to deal with big crossovers.  I think this is preventing them from getting a good writing rhythm going and preventing any long time story arcs to be properly planned.  

Will I get the next issue: Maybe…

January Statuses and Tweets

As promised I will be collecting my statues and tweets every month in to a blog post.  I hope you find them funny.  

Just found out that during prohibition they uses to sell medicinal Whiskey. That means that at one time or another the medical community has prescribed Marijuana, alcohol and orgasms as a medical treatment. So some of the parties I have been to were just really preemptive treatment.


Why are most of the compliments I get on my looks from gay men???


What's the difference between being attracted to someone and compatible with someone? Well for a guy if we are compatible it means we can still talk to you after we've had sex... I don't mean right after, I still need a nap.


One of my female friends asked me how come I only seem to date crazy women? Like I know that when I meet them. It's not like I hang out in a psych ward looking for a hook up.


Woke up cold, I need a cup of hot Chocolate or a good woman... but I don't have a little packet that I can add Hot water to and get insta-chick.


It's amazing what music can do to a person. a song comes on and I'$ instantly transported to a different place and time... usually a good thing except when I should be paying attention to when I am driving.


Apparently as a reflex when I get nervous at the dentist my tongue would push away the instrument. Afterwords my dentist told me I have a very strong tongue... I don't know how I feel about that.


I think between my comic strip and the jokes I put up, people must think I am some sort of sex obsessed geek who spends all his times in strip clubs... Like I could afford to go to that many strip clubs.


I think people over use words to the point they don't realize what they are saying. How is everything the most awesome thing in the world?


To me what would be awesome would be to get a high paying job writing Movie scripts... right after Jennifer love Hewitt asks me out. That would be awesome!!!


I wonder if they Take BJ's cards at Strip Clubs? It would be great if I could buy my lap dances in bulk.


I'm not anti-social, I am anti-stupid.


Every now and than you see a friend making a big mistake and all you can do is warn them, hope you are wrong and help if you are right... I hope I am wrong!!!


I have no problem with faith or religion or philosophy. I have problems when a person believe that just cause they have faith they know how I should live.
I don't know what disturbs me more, the fact that there is a Wiki page about the Donkey Punch or that some one actually drew a gif for the morons who couldn't understand the definition.


I don't get the whole FB stalker spam. I have no idea what I would do if I even knew who kept visiting my page... Send thank you emails???


So I got frisked at the airport again. if they are randome checks than why do they always stop me.


So apparently me parents have cute little pet names for each other. My dad is dick wad and my mother douchebag. I thought they were kiddin but I just seen them call each other that at dinner.


It's my mom's 60th birthday. She says 60 is the new 40. I think I have to have her tested for Alzheimer's.


When your mother calls you a pussy because you don't drink what do you say back?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Eagle Awards and Talent House

So myself and some of the other guys at Section 8 Comics got nominated for Eagle awards.
Here are the categories we were nominated for and who was nominated.
Favorite Newcomer Writer
Eric Rivera

Favorite Newcomer Artist
Daren Douglas
Nadir Balan

Favorite Writer
Eric Rivera

Favorite Artists
Nadir Balan

Favorite Coulourist
Wilson Ramos-Jr.

Favorite Letterer
Wilson Ramos-Jr.

Favorite Publisher
Section 8 Comics

Favorite American Comicbook: Colour
Ninja Mouse

Favorite American Comicbook: Black and White
Stars Edge

Favorite Webbased Comic
@the 8 spot
Some of our friends who were also nominated are:
Favorite Newcomer Writer
Dave Ryan

Favorite New Comer Artist
Dave Ryan

Favorite Writer
Dave Ryan

Favorite Writer/Artisit
Dave Ryan

Favorite Artists
Dave Ryan

Favorite Publisher
Red Anvil

Favorite American Comic Book: Colour
War of the Independents

Favorite New Comicbook
War of the Independents

Favorite 2010 Continued Story
War of The Independents

Please go and show your support and vote over at
Also Section 8 artist Daren Douglas has a submission over at Talent House

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's Hard Times

Girl: So what have you been doing for money since you lost your job?
Me: Sucking dick on the corner for money.
Girl: Does it pay well?
Me: Not at all I have to make up for it on volume.
Girl: You get a lot of customers?
Me: Nope. That's why I have to advertise on craigs list... I used a pictur if you to advertise. I hope you don't mind.
Girl: So what happens when you show up istead of a 5 foot tall Red head?
Me: More that half of the customers still pay me and my only cost is mouthwash and knee pads.  it really is a quite lucrative job.
Girl: ...
Me: What?
Girl: This conversation is going on your blog isn't it.
Me: I'm opening up my internet as we speak.

Why do people ask me questions?

G: What do guys look for in a girl.
Me: Well it depends, if you if you are talking about a random hook up than consent, but if you are talking about a long term relationship than guys are really only looking for 2 things...
G: Well???
Me: A pal...a buddy, a friend that you know will be there for you no matter what.
G: and the other thing?
Me: cup his balls when he cums... although that might just be me.
G: You're an ass.
Me: but I'm funny.

The Cape Vs Young Justice

   I don’t like to judge a TV show till I have seen at least 3 episodes and when I realized that I would catch the third episode of The Cape and the third episode of Young Justice the same week it just seemed natural to compare both shows.  On the one hand you have a live action show on a major network that is an original concept… or is at least supposed to be an original concept.  On the other hand you have Young Justice not only does it have the source material of a DC Comic that ran for over 50 issues but can be viewed as just the newest in a series of cartoons that have all spun of from the 1990’s Batman Animated Series. Other great cartoons would include Batman Beyond, Justice League, Superman, Justice league Unlimited and Static Shock.  (Before anyone harasses me and says they are not spin offs I am referring to the fact that Batman’s success caused a surge in DC cartoons to be created.  All of who seem to share a cohesive universe)
      Now if the internet is any indication I am following the crowd on this in that I find Young Justice to be a better-written show.  I normally hate to do that but I can’t argue with reality.  The Cape is a series of highs and lows for me.  I enjoy the visual elements of the show, the vanishing effects, the use of the cape as a weapon, the look of the hero and the villain are all amazing.  Unfortunately the story has too many clichés, contradictions and inconsistencies.  In one episode he goes from nearly dead to a master illusionist, escape artist and fighter in what seems like a crazy weekend for him.  Had they made it seem like more time had passed for him I might buy it.  In the three episodes I watched I came up with about a few problems I had with the story that could have easily be rewritten to make the story more believable. 

  • If he is some sort of former military badass why not use guns.  One of the key things about classic heroes is they don’t kill and I get that the Cape is supposed to follow that thread but all I keep thinking is if this is a former soldier and a former cop why the hell doesn’t he use a gun. 
  • Why is he working with criminals and why are the criminals working with him.  The circus of crime is cool and all but I don’t get why they are working together.  Supposedly it was cause of The Capes access but the security would change after the first few robberies why does the circus keep him around?
  • If you were betrayed by your best friend wouldn’t you watch him.  See if he tries to do anything shady to your family.
  • Why reveal yourself as The Cape only to your son.  Now anyone he tells about “The Cape” is going to think he is crazy.
  • Why trust Orwell at all she got you screwed over and doesn’t trust you enough not to tell you her name when she knows everything about you. (And writers it’s not going to be a surprise when you reveal that Orwell is related to Chess, probably his daughter. Unless the writers change it at the last minute cause everyone already figured it out.)
  • How is he learning everything so fast? It seems like he becomes a master knife catcher in like an afternoon.  I will admit the scene was funny just not believable.

       Overall I don’t expect the cape last long, what is probably most disappointing is some executive is going to point to The Cape and say comic book shows don’t work.  The truth is this show will fail cause of bad writing and bad writing alone.  Meanwhile Young Justice is an excellent show that I hope lasts a long time.  The show is slowly developing but in such a good way that you are interested.  It has made some changes from the original source material but the changes to me feel like they are taking the best elements from the 80’s Teen titans series, the Young Justice comic book and the current Teen Titans series and combining them in such a way that I think the story is unfolding nicely. 

    Speedy not joining the team yet introing him and showing images of another arrowed theme female hero leads me to believe that Arrowette will be introduced soon.  This means not only is the team not complete at the end of the first episode but we are 3 episodes in and we still have not been introduced to the whole team.  I think this is being done to make sure that nothing feels rushed which is my main problem with The Cape.  It is sad that a cartoon geared at a younger audience is treating it’s viewers with more respect for their intelligence than a show on major network during prime time.

I owe JP

So I asked my bud JP to shovel for me while I was vacationing and told him I would pay him. After I saw the weather for the next few days.
Me: I am going to have to make you food when I get back! Anything you want in particular?
JP: Steak stuffed with lobster?
Me: That will be an experiment but I can try.
JP: or just steak and lobster... or just steak... or just lobster. lol.
Me: Ok I'll make you surf and turf.
JP: Am I still getting paid or just dinner?
Me: You are getting both. I heard we are getting a lot of snow.
JP: Are you in PR Yet?
Me: Yeah I am here.
JP: Nice... And I hate U. It's warm and beautiful there isn't it... It's cold and ugly here.
Me: No it's freezing. It's practically snowing.
JP: Mentirosa!
Me: I might be.

I have great friends.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Comic Review 1-13-11

Here are some more books I picked up recently.  Sorry I took longer to write this one than I intended.  Too many snow storms this year. 

The Amazing Spider-Man #651

Initial impression from cover: Ok, on the cover to issue 650 Spiderman’s costume is black and red but inside the book it’s black and green I was thinking this might be something to do with power setting because of the electronics involved but so far it looks like Web-Head’s new costume is black and green.  The cover though is a decent one and I am intrigued by the new Hobgoblin. 

After Reading:  I really am enjoying this book; it finds the balance of what I look for in a story.  I know as much about Spiderman as I know about Peter Parker.  To me that is the key.  I have to care not only about what is going on with Spidey as I do the man underneath and to see him coming out on top makes me happy.  If I had any one complaint and it is a minor one is I’m not a big fan of the art, specifically the coloring.  I feel like there are certain effects that look amazing on a computer screen that do not look quite right to me in print.  I may see about picking up a digital copy to see it that is the case.  I freely admit I am nitpicking at what I think is a good book and if the stories continue to be good I will continue to follow Spider man.  Something I haven’t done in years. 

Note: So the coloring issue is a side effect of the costumes sonic abilities it seems to have 3 modes Green is for invisible Red is for when it is scrambling sonic attacks and white seems to be off.  

Batgirl #17

Initial impression from cover: DC is doing a special series of pin up covers this month so it’s hard to rate the covers.

After Reading: This is a fun story and one of the things I think comics in general have been missing for years.  The new Robin in everything I have seen is an arrogant jerk.  In Batgirl #17 they have taken a step to humanizing him and basically show he is not a monster just has never had a chance to be a child.  In every other story of robin I want to strangle the little punk but now I feel bad for him.  Which makes this a good story.  It evokes an emotional response. 

Booster Gold #40 (minor Spoiler about end of book)

Initial impression from cover:  DC’s Pin up covers strike again. 

After Reading: This was a mediocre issue to me.  It might be because most of the story is just a recap of his origin and a set up for an upcoming story line.  I wouldn’t say it’s a bad story but there was nothing really new in it except for the scene at the end of the book where Rip hunter tasers Booster because he needs to be arrested in the future for his crimes. 

Doc Savage #10

Initial impression from cover: oh look another pin up cover.

After Reading: this story is completely stand alone but none the less very enjoyable and kind of tells new readers just how amazing Doc. Savage is.  One of the problems I’ve had with this series is that it feels all over the place.  This flashback takes a look at Doc Savage in a war setting where his p 

Red Robin #19

Initial impression from cover: Guess what DC did here… another pin up cover.

After Reading: I have been really enjoying the Red Robin series but than again I have been a long time fan of Fabian Nicieza and I think Tim Drake is a very interesting character.  I mean Drake ha been a detective since he was 12 and now that he is becoming a hero in his own right I like how he has developed. 
This issue takes place in a virtual reality and you can see artist Marcus To had a lot of fun with it and I really enjoyed some of the little nuances that he hid in some over the top imaging, like the use of binary code as a rope that was tying up Red Robin.  Overall I would highly recommend picking up Red Robin.

Widow Maker #3 of 4

Initial impression from cover: I hate the cover.  I feel it’s not that great a piece of art but on top of that it tells you nothing about the story just 3 members of the cast.  Black Widow, Hawkeye and Mockingbird.  If I did not enjoy the characters so much I would not have picked up the book. 

After Reading: I am very disappointed in this series so far, which is sad cause I enjoy all the characters and really enjoyed the Hawkeye & Mockingbird mini series.  It seems to me like no one knows what to do with Hawkeye and Mockingbird but they know they should do something.  Skip this series. 

Look these are all my opinions if you agree with me fine.  If you don’t that’s fine to, I’m just trying to steer people who like the kind of books I do to some good books and away from bad ones.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Comic Review 1-5-11

I have decided to do a weekly blog just to keep track of the comics I buy.  I buy some titles religiously and others I buy just cause something draws my attention on the cover.  I am not a full on cover junkie but I can be caught out there.   I will list my opinion based on the cover and what I thought after reading the book. 

Amazing Spiderman #650

Initial impression from cover:
The new costume looks really cool but this is one of the problems I have with modern covers, they tend to be pin ups with no clues about the interior story… but the new costume was enough to get me to pick it up.  

After Reading: I’ll be honest I used to read Spiderman back in the day but I haven’t been a big fan lately, but when I heard there was going to be a new costume I decided to take a look.  Honestly I get the feeling the new costume will be a temporary gimmick to get new readers, and it may work cause I found Dan Slot’s writing to be excellent.  I always liked how Peter Parker this nerd always seemed to be surrounded by hot women and here is just more of the same with his ex girlfriend Mary Jane, his ex girlfriend the Black Cat and his new girlfriend Carly all in the book his relationships are as interesting as the new Hobgoblin who has a bit of a Joker flavor to him.  I can’t fully recommend the book but I will probably get the next issue to see if it keeps my interest.  Who knows I might start picking up Spiderman again.

Ant-Man Wasp #3 of 3

Initial impression from cover:
This looks like it should be a funny book and it actually gives an impression of the story.

After Reading: The cover made promises that the book didn’t keep.  I was expecting a funnier book from the cover than I got and in the end the book was just OK.  I think Hank Pym has the potential to be an awesome character, and the new Ant Man has all kinds of comedic potential, but this was just not the right vehicle for these characters. 

Avengers Prime #5 of 5

Initial impression from cover:
This is a great cover for 2 reasons. First you have Iron Man with a sword tells you something bad has happened to his armor. Second seeing the 3 of them are being overrun by medieval horde tells you something really bad has happened.  While this is a poster-ish cover, it still caught my attention. 

After Reading:
  As with most of Bendis’s stories I always feel he never knows how to end a story arc.  His beginnings and concepts are always great but when it’s time to finish up the story arc I always feel he falls a little short and unfortunately I think he did the same here.  This seemed like an attempt to erase all the animosity from the Civil War and quite honestly I didn’t buy it.  I will admit I am not a big Thor fan, so the fact that the whole miniseries took place in Asgard did not help.  Honestly unless you are a big Thor fan I would overlook this whole series.  

Captain America – Hail Hydra #1

Initial impression from cover:
Here we have yet another Poster style cover and for some reason way too much Captain America crotch. 

After Reading: It was a mediocre book plain and simple, I won’t be following up. 

Ultimate Captain America #1

Initial impression from cover:
Again a great Poster but not really anything that would draw me to buy the book.  If it weren’t a #1 I wouldn’t have picked it up. 

After Reading:
I was never a big fan of the ultimate titles except for Spiderman and to be quite honest I don’t know why I keep trying.   They introduce Ultimate Nuke but quite honestly after reading this I just think Ultimate Cap is a jerk.  He wears his normal costume during a black ops mission and when questioned on it he just blows the guy off.  Think about it if everybody was on a black ops mission that doesn’t exist and one guy wore the flag of the country he was working for he wouldn’t be allowed on the mission. 

While I collect the regular Captain America both of the new Captain America series were just not interesting enough for me to keep getting them. 

Irredeemable (Cover B) #21

Initial Impression From Cover:
Wow another great poster but again no clue as to where the story is going. 

After Reading: Mark Waid does something few authors are able to do.  Keep me interested even when not much happens in a book.  I flew through this book in less than 5 minutes and that’s normally a red flag for me but just something about the way Waid writes I am still drawn to the series.  I will admit, I am enjoying the companion book Incorruptible more, but I feel Irredeemable just makes that book better.  I would suggest getting both series. 

X-factor #213

Initial impression from cover:
This is a great cover because it’s simple and clearly shows that the story is about Darwin leaving the team. 

After reading: Peter David is an amazing writer who takes some intense concepts and is able to make them real.  More importantly he knows when and how to put in jokes with out downplaying the problems.  In this issue we deal with Richter’s homosexuality, Rahne having to be an unwed mother, Darwin trying to find his place and Madrox loosing faith in himself as a leader. In between all of that are some of the funniest jokes ever.  I have always found the best writers know how to strike a good balance between the serious and funny parts of life, and David has done it over and over again.  Overall this is one of my favorite books and I highly recommend it. 

Look these are all my opinions if you agree with me fine.  If you don’t that’s fine to, I’m just trying to steer people who like the kind of books I do to some good books and away from bad ones.